A Princess for the Accidental Orc Royal

A name change, two new pages, and backups on webtoons and tapas!

First is a cover, in greens, oranges and purples. Title: A Princess for the Accidental Orc Royal, A Comic by Zoe Maxine. The illustration shows a surprised orc woman in a fancy cape and circlet holding an equally surprised dark skinned elf woman in a creamy bridal dress and crown.
Page 6: The elves sitting around the table are complaining to the politely uncomfortable orc woman.
The elfin woman says“Ugh, that guy was the worst.” (Other elves chime in with “The worst.” And “Just awful.”
She continues, “He came in with his buddies, ruined the place, almost got us in a war with the Lammin Kingdom, and then ran off to ruin the orclands too!”
The orc woman gives a quiet “oh…”
The other elves chime in with “Shameful.” “We’re sorry about Eskerfort.” “And Cirquefell!” “And Fjordell…”
The elfin woman asks the orc, “You really didn’t know about this?” The orc woman looks down. Behind her is a little sketch of a tent in the mountains labeled “middle of nowhere”. She says, “I had just got back from training when…” The elf puts a hand on her shoulder. “Oh. Oh well. We’re just grateful you took out the trash.” Looking flustered, the orc holds up a hand as she sais, “I am glad you’re on my side - but I really didn’t intend to become the King - Queen?” One of the elves, in glasses, a scholar, pull out a parchment and reads it. “’Whoever kills the king becomes the new king.’ Linguistically, olde north-elfish didn’t make a distinction between the two so ‘monarch’ might - “The older bearded elf man interrupts. “The point is - !”
Page 7. “Call yourself whatever you like, it’s all legal.”
The orc woman looks serious. “What about abdicating.”
The entire table goes silent and most of the elves look shocked or horrified. The ones who have been speaking so far exchange glances.
The scholar, putting a hand on her mouth, says, “Oh, but what will we do? Without our soldiers or king, we’re totally defenceless!”
The bearded elf goes next. “Perhaps the Lammin kingdom will conquer us after all.”
Putting a hand on her chest and other to her head, reeling backwards while looking at the orc woman through the corner of her eye, the elfin woman says, “There are soldiers outside the capital… but they may be loyal to the former king. I hope they don’t try to finish what he started.”
A mustachio’d elf exaggeratedly throws up his hands. “What if it becomes a civil war?”
Fully aware she’s being guilt-tripped by old elves, the orc woman says, “okay fine yes I get it thanks you can stop now”


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